
Wednesday, June 06, 2007

{my mind is racing}

I visited my Grandma tonight. It was the first time that I couldn't hold the tears back in her presence. She looked thinner and her skin tone was more yellow. She barely had the energy to open her eyes or speak. As I sat by her with my hand rubbing her arm, I couldn't help but think of how special it is to be with someone during their last days on earth. She has photos of her and Grandpa from when they were young next to her bed, and I kept looking back and forth from her young, beautiful face, to the reality of her tired body, ready to release her soul to God. As sad as it is to witness, I feel blessed to be able to spend this time with her. It is probably more comforting to me than it is to her, but hopefully my presence helps her feel more at peace. It seems like it will be any day now, and I know that she is ready to be with Grandpa again.

There are so many things going on right now that my mind is racing. We're going to Lexington on Sunday for Aunt Vicki's ordination, Dan is going to the doctor tomorrow because we think he has a hernia :(, and we are waiting anyday now for Grandma's passing. I also am waiting on some *hopefully* good news that I can't share until I know the outcome, but please keep me in your prayers.



  1. Mandy, I am sorry to hear about your Grandma. Sending hugs your way.

  2. Keeping you in my thoughts, Mandy!! And sending you a big hug too!!
