
Friday, August 31, 2012

{the best part of life}

You make known to me the path of life; 
you will fill me with joy in your presence, 
with eternal pleasures at your right hand. 
 -Psalm 16:11

I've walked this path for many years. It is on the college campus where I work. It winds through a beautiful backdrop of old trees and criss-crossing sidewalks. Along the path, there is an large tree swing made out of weathered wood planks, freshly painted white adirondack chairs for students to sit and study, and squirrels scurrying around searching for their next meal.

I especially love walking through the shadows stenciled onto the pavement by the dancing leaves. 

The path I use to deliver mail or visit the bookstore, now has a whole new meaning. I walk along it, sometimes taking shortcuts through the grass to the next piece of concrete, until I get to the other side of campus, where my boys are attending preschool. 

I feel blessed to have them so close to me during the day. 

This vast plot of God's creation being the only thing that separates us.

And for the opportunity to slow down after a long work day,
to appreciate the beauty of nature,
and anticipate the treasures that are waiting for me at the end of my journey.

Eternal pleasures indeed.

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