
Friday, November 16, 2012

{December Daily scrapbooking}

Back in the day, I was a HUGE scrapbooker. And I don't mean I was physically large...I mean I was obsessed. ;) In fact, this blog at its birth in 2005 was solely a place for me to share my love for all things paper crafting. But 7 years and two children later, my free time to scrapbook has dwindled down and I hate to say that I haven't created a new page in probably over a year.

*insert heavy sigh*

I still LOVE scrapbooking. I still bookmark inspiration. Last year I was inspired by Ali Edwards to create a December Daily album. I collected lots of fun supplies and took my daily photos. And then guess what happened...

They all sat in a folder until I discovered them last week.

*insert 2nd heavy sigh*

SO...this year I'm determined to create my December Daily album. It might not follow the daily format, and it might just be all over the place, and I might not finish it until February...


You'll hold me to it, right? I promise to share photos, OK?

I just ordered a few new supplies to help kick my scrapbooking butt in gear.

But for are some inspiration photos from my Pinterest...

Source: via Mandy on Pinterest

Do you scrapbook? What is your favorite way to store and display your photos and family memories?

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  1. I know what you mean! Five years ago I was on a design team and scrapping every day. Now I can't even tell you the last time I scrapped a page. I wish you lived closer,as I am getting rid of my stash (and let me tell ya, it is a nice stash) and would love to give it to someone who would appreciate it.

    Can't wait to see your December daily. It's always something I wanted to try but it never happened. You've picked great inspiration so I'm sure yours will be awesome.

  2. here's mine from last year. i just got a little ring binder from the dollar store and then made my own pages...

    i also blogged about each day. i used our advent calendar as my inspiration for the daily scrapbook. i like the idea of a mini album too, cause you don't have to do a huge layout. just have a number, picture and a bit of journaling and you are good to go!

    good luck! i haven't decided if i'm going to do a separate book or just blog and put it in my project life album.
