
Friday, November 30, 2012

{instagram friday}

Friday! Ahhhh sweet Friday. I am SO glad it is here this week.

It has been an odd week for me. I've felt very out of sorts and just not right...if you know what I mean. And last night we discovered Ben has pink eye. Yuck. :( Praying that we can keep it contained and it won't wander over to Landon or us.

I could also use your prayers for my Mom today. She had to go in for emergency eye surgery this morning. Last year she had surgery on the same eye and yesterday she found out that she has a detached retina. No fun. :( I'm just praying that it will all go smoothly today and she will be recovered in time to enjoy the holidays.

Gah sorry for this dismal start about some fun Instagram photos from my past week to end on a good note?

I started my December Daily album last week! Love creative messes!

 The first page in the book...of course it has an owl...

Started our Christmas decorating!

 The boys have their very own tree in their room. SO stinking cute...

I did some crafty shopping at Hobby Lobby which resulted in this face...

Enjoyed some girl time with my Mom and Grandmother...

Celebrated my nephew's 3rd birthday with a super fun monster party...

Decorated our newly white fireplace for Christmas...

Tried my hand at some new chalk art...

And watched the boys give private baths to all of their toys...

Whew! It was a fun week. I'm so glad I did this post today...reminds me of all we have to be thankful for. :) 

I hope you have a wonderful start to the weekend! 

Linking up with...

life rearranged

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  1. Anonymous9:59 AM

    I love the journal start and the chalkboard!

  2. You did the monster party I've seen on Pinterest! Did they love it? Looks so cute :)

  3. That monster cake is to die for! Did you make it? And the bags are too cute. I'm trying to figure out if my soon to be 11 yr old girl would like it, but I'm thinking that's a no! And I just went to Hobby Lobby yesterday for the 1st time. And died. Yes died. Only made it through 1/2 the store, and could have spend hundreds of dollars. Had a stroke over some fabric that I think needs to be bought to recover a chair, but I don't know how to recover! Such is my life!

  4. Did my first comment get eaten up?


    I *love* the granny square stockings. They are SO cozy. And that you scrap. I haven't scrapped in 246 years. I probably never will again... I've copped out and gone digital. But, your photos make me miss it! And those boys are adorable. So sweet.

    Sorry to hear about your poor mom. And about the pink eye. Hope things go well today and that everyone is healthy for the holiday!

  5. Enjoyed this! That party looks like it was a hit - and love the chalk art : ) ...hope your mom is doing much better quickly and oh, the pic of her and your grandma, so sweet.

  6. I love the fireplace and the chalk art. Cute pictures!
