
Monday, November 26, 2012

{Thanksgiving decor}

I'm a few days late on this, but I wanted to share a few photos of our Thanksgiving decor. We hosted my parents and my Grandmother this year which was really wonderful and cozy. 

The first thing you might notice about these photos is that our dining room looks a lot brighter, because we painted the fireplace!! 

I'm SO, SO excited about this change. Thanks to my wonderfully helpful mother-in-law, it was a quick project and makes a huge difference in the room. And now I want to paint the rest of the trim white and get some color up on the walls ASAP! :)

Here is a little side-by-side before and after so you can see how far our fireplace has come...

SO much better, right?!

And I love how it helped to show off our Thanksgiving table...

Oh how I wish I had this plate of food in front of me again...

I really enjoyed hosting our family this year and making it special. And I can't wait to share our Christmas decorations with you...I finished most of them over the weekend with a few fun DIY projects!

Did you decorate for Thanksgiving or get to relax while someone else hosted this year?

Linking up with...

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  1. The fireplace looks great! So does all of your decor. Glad it was a lovely day.

  2. What a stunning transformation! Love it. Oh and that turkey is awesome :)

  3. first off - love the fireplace! that really does make quite the difference!

    and the table looks lovely as well!

  4. There is just so much yumminess in this picture. And I am not talking about the plate of food. Although, okay, that looks great, too.

    I love love love the fireplace, which I told you on Instagram. I adore the artwork above. And your table looks fabulous. Love that turkey and the runner and the garland. Just so festive.

    Thanks so much for linking up to Dare to DIY!

  5. Awesome makeover, and decorating! Amazing how a little paint can change so much!!

  6. I love how some white paint can freshen up a place!! We painted the old brick on our fireplace too, and it made all the difference in the world!

    Oh, and I love your holiday decorations...too cute! Especially that chevron...I'm a sucker for anything aqua and chevron. :)

  7. Ooo, the fireplace is so pretty!! Your table looks great too! Thanks for joining the Dare to DIY!

  8. Your home is so adorable!
