
Friday, December 07, 2012

{instagram Friday}

Is lunch time an issue for you?

I know around our house, I am always struggling to find something to eat on my lunch break. Today I ended up with one of those microwave Kraft mac & cheese bowls. You know...these...

But not the sponge bob kind...even I have limits.

They aren't just for toddlers anymore. ;)

As I was eating the long skinny noodles one of them slid onto the tine {is that the right word?} of my fork and it reminded me of how I used to eat this stuff as a kid. I would fill each tine {this really can't be a word...can it?} of my fork with one noodle. It was like they were created for that purpose, right?

Then I remembered how I would eat a swiss cake roll...

I would carefully unroll the cake layers so I could eat it like one long super skinny cake with icing on top, and sometimes I would peel off the outer layer of chocolate and eat that first.

Isn't it funny how entertaining food is to a child? It isn't just's a creative game. I know...that was totally random, but that is how I've felt this week so I'm going with it.

Today's post is supposed to be Insta-Friday so here we go...just a few things I was up to this past week...

My little blog broke 400 members!

Took the boys to the local Christmas parade... {no worries...Ben is not drugged ;)}

Enjoyed some "me time" and a little humor with People Magazine...

Did you know that plain egg nog is SO 2011? ;)

I'm enjoying this on a nightly basis...

 Did some fun Christmas crafting with the boys...

Took a little mommy time out while the boys played Angry Birds...

Worked on my December Daily...

Enjoyed a little Starbucks treat thanks to a gift card from a friend...

And noticed that this poor bush in our yard has its seasons mixed up...who can blame it when today it is in the 50's and raining?

What did your week look like?

Linking up with...

life rearranged

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  1. too funny! i totally did the same thing with my swiss cake rolls...peeling the chocolate icing off first then unrolling!

  2. Lunch time is always a challenge. I don't usually feel like making something elaborate just for me! Looks like you had a busy week!

  3. YOU are my sister from another Mister. I have decided this by your love of cheesy Chex Mix and the unrolling of a Swiss roll. If you eat your Nutty Bars layer by layer, then it is mandatory for you to move to NC where your twin boys grow up with my twin girls and they will marry and live happily ever after.

  4. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Congrats on reaching 400! Very cute boys and blog you have :)

  5. I ate frozen burritos all the time as a kid. As an upgrade I LOVE Amy's Organic Bean and Cheese burritos-so yummy!!

  6. Looks like a great week!

    The above commenter reminded me that I used to eat Nutty Bars layer by layer. Funny!
