
Monday, January 28, 2013

{easy waves hair tutorial}

Happy Monday friends!

I thought I would start out the week with a fun and super simple hair video form!

Be sure to watch until the end because Landon makes an appearance and does something very typical {and hysterical} of 4-year-olds.

And I make quite the stink face at the 5:40 mark. Doing your hair is tough friends. ;)

Here is the tutorial I learned this technique from...

Happy hair do-ing!

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  1. You have such beautiful hair! I have never been a "hair girl", as you can probably guess by my lack of variety in my photos, lol. I have never owned a curling or straight iron. :)

  2. Haha 'Hi Landon!' Funny kiddo! Your hair looks great like that by the way!
    ~Kassi @ Truly Lovely

  3. Seriously Loved this video!
    Especially your visitor at the end!
