
Friday, January 11, 2013

{instagram friday}

So I'm looking forward to this weekend for a few reasons...

  1. Movie night tonight with my boys. I look forward to this every.week.
  2. Crafting day tomorrow with some of the most fun girls in the world. My December Daily will be ressurected AND completed. *fingers crossed*
  3. During said craft day my parents are taking the boys out, which means some free time for the hubs, which he really needs.
  4. And its the weekend...what else needs to be said really. :)

And of course since it is Friday, I'm linking up with Life Rearranged for another fun Insta-Friday...

life rearranged

But before I get to that, can I shamelessly ask for your vote in the Circle of Mom's Top 25 Fashion and Beauty Mom Blogs contest? Right now I'm hovering at #16 and there is some really amazing competition. You can vote once a day through January 23rd...just click the cute little logo below! that I've got the self-promotion out of the way let's take a peek at my past week through my little phone camera, shall we? :)

On Saturday I finally got all of our Christmas decorations put away and pulled out my trusty chevron canvas for the mantel. I took to Instagram to ask for my friends' opinions on how I should arrange it...

#2 won but just barely!

I always love watching my mother-in-law read to the really is magical...

I shared my DIY one little word necklace...

And I'll be sharing an easy tutorial with a giveaway soon!

Scored some really lovely and super comfortable Lucky Brand skinny cords at TJ Maxx...

Enjoyed some fun fashiony reading thanks to my friend Sara from Simply Swank...

Watched a little Wii golf tournament...Ben chose to go sans pants...the best way to play, right?

The hubby and I had a date night Wednesday and after dinner I couldn't resist going into this place...

And I'm glad I did because they were having a huge sale...I snagged a pair of light grey skinnies for $7!

And then that night I got on this thing to make sure those skinnies will still fit me!

But then I ate a bunch of these so now I need to get on the treadmill again...

I added a bit of Valentine's Day cheer to our dining room...

And learned an important lesson from my chocolate...

What did your week look like?

Also linking up with...

Hello Hue Little Things

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  1. I wish I was spending the weekend with you! ;-)

    p.s. I think I'll be ready for a guest post at the end of next week... is there a day that works better for you?

    (my kitchen is currently going through a "dishwasher" retrofit... that I hope will be done sooner than later!


  2. Looks like a great week! Love your Valentine decor. :)

  3. Well, your vote is already complete, but I agree with #2!

  4. neat-o

    my 2013 word is P U R I T Y with a 2Cor 7:1 foundational scripture

    over from the little things link up
