
Monday, April 15, 2013

{in the mean time...}

I planned on today's post being a recap of my Discovering Your Truth workshop, which I hosted this past Saturday.

But I find myself struggling in both positive and difficult ways to put the experience into words. I was the leader, but it changed me. I didn't plan on being transformed by something I initiated, but I was.

One thing that has been resurrected for me over the weekend was my love for writing...journaling more specifically. And also combining art collage and journaling. Turns out that something I wanted to teach others has become really good therapy for me as well.

I found a black SMASH book at Hobby Lobby on clearance late last week and it has become my personal journal. I've already filled several pages with a mix of writing, magazine clipping, quotes and photos.

It is helping me dissect a bit about how I am feeling after an extremely intense few weeks of work, the busyness that is always our home life, and the preparation and coming to fruition of my first workshop.

I hope to have a post up soon telling you all about the day, but for now, here are some images from my new journal...

I haven't been this excited about journaling EVER. :)

What is getting you excited today?

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  1. Anonymous2:46 AM

    So crafty, so cute!

  2. I bought a Smashbook this past fall but wasn't very good about keeping it up - I would go in spurts. However, with reading your blog and seeing your love of washi tape and the Instagram Albums you have made you inspired me to pull my Smashbook out more often. I have now filled one completely up (in about 6 months), just started a new one for everyday things and also started a new "wedding" one. I love not just the act of Smashbooking and keeping track of pics, thoughts and magazine clippings that I like, but also going back through. The time I spend flipping through the pages is so peacecul and happy.

    Thanks for inspiring me to make Smashbooking a weekly part of my life!

  3. I keep hearing good things about SMASH books, but I have yet to jump on the train. Love the idea of using one as a journal!

    Kassi @ Truly Lovely

  4. Anonymous6:22 PM

    I love the journal. I have one that I make with my girls every summer. It's our summer art journal. I was just thinking I need to get supplies so that we can decorate the cover...summer is just around the corner, ya know. I am excited about summer but right now the ground is covered with 13" of snow! Lol
