
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

{sweet summer}

We roasted our first {normal sized} marshmallows of the summer yesterday and I forgot how much I love the taste, texture and smell of those toasted lumps of sugar. {see yesterday's post for the miniature version.}

The slightly burnt, sweet flavor.
The charred outer layer that dissolves on your tongue like cotton candy.
The melted, but still snow-white middle.


I think the boys had more fun playing with their new swords skewers from their Gigi than eating the marshmallows, but it is all part of the experience, right? :)

Half of the marshmallows didn't even make it to the fire!

Ahh...tastes like summer!

What tastes, textures and smells remind you of the warmer months coming up?

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1 comment:

  1. yummmmm! we roasted marshmellows this weekend while camping. i always underestimate the deliciousness of a marshmellow.
