
Friday, June 07, 2013

{hello friday}

Hello Friday! So happy to see you. {smile}

Hello my big 5 year old boys who rocked their annual check-up...

I know...this it total blackmail material for when they are 15 and have their girlfriend over. 

Hello to a new phone that I'm loooving...

And a new cover on its way to owl of course...

Hello to cleaning out my closet...

You can check out what I'm selling over at @thisgirls_closet!

Hello to enjoying nature...

We have two squirrels that have become "pets" of sorts...the boys named them Bob and Jerry. We've been feeding them all sorts of random snacks. The winners so far have been slider buns, pretzels and apple peels. I kinda sorta love that the boys enjoy the squirrels since I have a bit of an obsession with them. :)

What are you saying hello to today?

Linking up with...

life rearranged

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  1. Happy Birthday to the boys! So fun. Love your new phone cover, cute. Hope you have a great weekend!

  2. What cute little guys you have there! I love the pic of one of your little men smelling the flowers... too sweet!
    Have a great weekend.

  3. happy friday, friend! can't wait to get outside and soak up some sunshine. love your new phone case!

  4. The phone cover is adorable!!! I love owls too!
