
Friday, June 21, 2013

{hello friday}

Hello to beautiful Indiana countryside...

Hello to a new to us coffee table {for $6 at Goodwill!}

Hello to celebrating this guy...

And my hubby of course who hates having his photo taken...but this one is too cute not to share...

That sure feels like a lifetime ago!

Hello to new art for the boys' room!

Hello to this clingy guy...

Hello to 5-year old surprises in my purse...

Hello to a creative mind...

And hello to Instagram video! Say what?! My first one didn't load correctly but it was too cute not to share so here it is...

What are you saying hello to today?

Linking up with...

Wild & Precious Life Lately

life rearranged
 photo H54Fbutton-1_zpsa7aaa665.png

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  1. Happy Friday! Your boys are all so cute. That coffee table is fabulous. I love that style.

  2. great photos! have a great weekend.

  3. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Great coffee table find! TGIF!

  4. That coffee table is a great find! Love it! Looks very Mad Men to me.

  5. I know everyone is commenting about your coffee table, but it really is super cute! Makes me want to go thrifting...
