
Friday, June 28, 2013

{hello friday}

Hello Friday! This week you look even better because I'm off work...yay for a long weekend!

This week I've been saying hello to a lot more doodling. I can't stop!

That one above is an order. {wink}

And this one below is a free printable!

Hello to my two very cute lunch dates...

Hello to the carnage that is life with two boys...

Hello to a cute new ring from Amy Cornwell...

And another I created with one of my doodles...

{my nails had to match of course}

Hello to the trifecta of bad work day cures...

Hello to documenting a rarely clean family room...

Hello to a whole lotta happy on my craft desk...

And hello to two boys who are ready for when the tooth fairy needs to pay us a visit...

{cute pillows from Groopdealz}

What are you saying hello to today?

Linking up with...

Wild & Precious Life Lately
life rearranged
 photo H54Fbutton-1_zpsa7aaa665.png

post signature


  1. AH! Get outta town! LOVE that you did a free printable this week!!! LOVE IT!!!

  2. Your doodles are so delightful! Is it rude to ask if you would do a printable of your "sunshine" doodle? :)
    Im so glad I found your blog through InstaFriday link up. Have a wonderful 3 day weekend!
    Whitney @

  3. @Work it Mommy - Thanks so much! I'm actually working on making more of my doodles into printables so stay tuned! :)
