
Monday, July 15, 2013

{hello monday}

So I had planned on doing my "hello friday" post as usual but life was just too busy, so I'm saying hello to Monday instead!

Our weekend was one big rollercoaster, filled with lots of fun moments that were equalled with frustrating ones. Can I be honest and say that so far age 5 is REALLY challenging me?

Like "I haven't lost my cool this much since they were infants" challenging?

Boy are they ever asserting their independence these days. I know some of that is good and healthy, but saying no to us at just about every request is enough to turn even more of my hair gray, and I have enough of that stuff for my age! We've been doing a lot more time outs and taking away treats/privileges than we are use to with the boys lately and it isn't any fun. 

If you have gone through this stage with your kiddos, do you have any advice to offer? I'm really not handling it as well as I would like to be. 

But enough of that debbie are some highlights from our past week...

Those smiles and giggles up there {click to watch the video} are how they have been getting away with so much lately.

We took a little day trip to a mall that is about an hour away {and just happens to have a train the boys can ride}...

$12 well spent...although I don't know how much longer Dan and I will be able to fit with them all in the same car! It was quite a squeeze!

I found some great new sandals and flats on clearance at Target and DSW...

And the sandals are such a perfect match to this TJ Maxx dress I'm wearing today...
And they are SO comfy!

I also did some more doodling of course...

And finished these pendants so I could get them in the shop...

Did you know you can get a free printable of your choice with any purchase today? {wink} Just enter the printable you would like in the notes to seller at check-out!

Hope you're having a wonderful Monday friends!

Linking up with...

Wild & Precious
Lauren Elizabeth

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1 comment:

  1. Greeting! I found you over at Wild and Precious. I love your blog style and can't wait to follow you. I have a son who is going on four so I'll be paying attention to any tips and tricks :)
