
Monday, July 22, 2013

{may insta-life album}

I wasn't sure if I was going to finish May's insta-life album or not {I've been a little busy doodling}, but I pulled it off, and before the end of June! Yay!

Buying some new supplies helped...I picked up this cute paper pad from Lawn Fawn, and found some great clearance deals at Michael's last weekend. Have you seen their Recollections collection? CUTE stuff.

So here it is...this is most definitely my favorite cover so far...

Now let's see if I can get June's album done before the end of July. {fingers crossed}

I haven't even ordered pictures yet! Eeeek!

Do you scrapbook your Instagram photos? 

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  1. I don't. I haven't scrapped in a couple of years, at least. Every time I see your albums though I really want to. So cute.

  2. I do but I don't always print them as square pics. Sometimes I just find it easier {and less thought!} to print them out as regular 4x6s.

  3. forgot to say your book was cute! love the colors!!!
