
Monday, August 05, 2013

{the boys' first Reds game}

This weekend held quite a few firsts for our family. My hubby's Dad and brother are here visiting from Oklahoma and we hadn't seen them in five long years, so that alone was exciting. 

Of course, all of us being big baseball fans {Cincinnati Reds more specifically} we decided what better time to take the boys to their first game!

The Reds ended up getting their tails kicked, but it was still a really fun experience with the boys. Just had to share a few photos from the night...

The boys both said their favorite part was watching the flames and fireworks shoot out of the ballpark's smokestacks....I'm sure they LOVED watching the game too. ;) 

And if you're can't get a picture of them these days without their tongues sticking out. Boys... 

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  1. Glad you guys had such a great time! It looks like fun. Some friends of ours were at that game too. Yay for seeing family that you hadn't seen in a long time too. Wow!

  2. You were in my hometown! We went home back in June and were able to go to a Reds game. Love that ballpark!
