
Friday, October 04, 2013

{hello friday}

This week has been all about getting back into our normal routine after my trip to the Influence Conference last weekend. I'm hardly ever away from Dan and the boys so to say I was grateful to be home on Saturday evening is an understatement. 

Giving the boys a bath on Saturday night was a bit like worship for me...

I soaked in their sweet smiles, the smell of their shampoo, the warmth of the water, and the feeling of my fingers in their soft hair, washing the dirt of the day away. 

Sunday morning Dan let me sleep in {until almost 11:00!} and he made us brunch like he is known to do...

Oh those potatoes. 

Sunday was a chilly and rainy day so I bundled up in my new scarf from flutterbyhannah and we set out for some adventure with the boys...

We had a fast-food picnic at the park under one of the shelters while the rain poured down around us and the fall leaves drifted down from the trees. I'm not a big fan of rain when I have to be out in it, but when I can be an observer it is one of my favorite things ever. 

The rain foiled our plans of going to the local Oktoberfest so after our picnic we ended up at Meijer to do some necessary grocery shopping. And like any good blogger I took an outfit photo in the men's shoe section...

Why so serious, Mandy? ;)

This week has also been filled with LOTS of drawing.

I have been blessed and to be honest a tad bit overwhelmed by the orders I've been receiving for doodles. I never thought I would say this, but I have a waiting list, and I have trouble telling anyone no, so that is starting to become a bit of an issue. I'm just trying to take my time with them, give myself breathing room, and be thankful that I'm being paid to do something that I love! 

We also took a trip to the orchard this week and the boys helped me pick out some fun pumpkins to decorate the house with...

It was SO hard to choose and I'll probably go back for me next week. :)

On Wednesday after dinner I started to decorate the dining room table and Ben jumped right in to help me. He grabbed a bunch of my milk glass pieces from the hutch and started turning them into pedestals for the little pumpkins and gourds and it turned out so cute!

He reminds me SO much of myself at that age...already into decorating and he really knows what looks good and what doesn't. And he'll tell you if it doesn't. Such a funny boy. 

Can I say how happy I am that it is Friday?! Tonight is our family movie night and our plan is to take the boys to the theater {a rare treat} to see the new Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs movie. We all loved the first one so I'm excited to take them. 

How is your Friday looking friends? Tell me about your week!

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  1. I love the pumpkins you picked! I am doing that this weekend. I love the outfit you posted as well. The dress is really pretty on you. Love all of your house drawings! It is amazing the feedback you are getting and the waiting list! That would give me an anxiety attack but it just means people love what you do :) xo Have a good weekend!

  2. Those pumpkins are all so gorgeous. I'm hoping to find some like that here. What a fun week with your sweet boys. We're going to have a rainy weekend, so I'm not sure we'll do much of anything!

  3. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Fun to read! Love your outfit, and your centerpiece :)

  4. Being away at the conference was the longest Stella had ever been away from me so I was so excited to see her! I too got to sleep in til 11 and it was glorious! I know how you feel about feeling slightly overwhelmed with custom orders. There's added pressure that you do an exceptional job, whereas you already know someone likes something if they buy something already created not be custom order. That's great that you have a waiting list. I just try to be realistic on my custom requests and don't even accept payment until I am ready to start on it! Hope you're having such a fun Family night at the movies! Can't wait to see that movie!!

  5. My hubs always lets me sleep in on Saturday mornings and fixes breakfast with the little. What good men we have!
