
Monday, October 14, 2013

{hello monday}

Over the weekend Dan and I celebrated our ten year wedding anniversary. To say that we don't see much quality one-on-one time these days is an understatement, as I'm sure most parents can understand. 

Now that the boys are in school and Dan is working a part time 2nd shift job, our evenings are full of homework, reading, Dan working, quick meals, and even more laundry than I thought was possible to keep both boys dressed 5 days a week. {Before kindergarten they spent more days than I would care to admit in their pj's.}

By the time the boys are in bed, it is usually 9 pm, we are both exhausted, and we zone out in front of the TV. Sound familiar?  

My Etsy shop has also been taking up a lot of time, but that's another story for another day. :) 

My point is that we have lost track of each other so much lately, so this past weekend was such good medicine for both of our tired souls. 

We ate lots of really good food... 

We went to IKEA and Target. What can I say...those things are both of our love languages. 

I even talked him into a photo!

AND we bought a new bed at IKEA! I can't wait to share it with you once we get our bedroom a bit more decorated. 

We talked more this weekend than I can remember in recent months. About all sorts of things. Deep things. And we didn't have to talk about poop or farts which is the typical conversation these days with two 5 year olds. 

Oh it was heavenly. 

{ can fit a queen bed AND a bookshelf in a Prius...just in case you were wondering.}

I'm hoping we don't have to wait 10 more years to have another weekend like that! What did your weekend look like?

Linking up with...

Wild & Precious

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  1. Congratulations on 10 years! My husband and I were out tonight, too, celebrating year number 9...a couple of weeks late :)

    Stopping by from wild and precious...

  2. aw! so glad you and hubby got some alone time. do that more often girl! can't wait to see your new bedroom!

  3. I left you a comment here with my phone the other day but I think my phone ate it, oops!!!

    What I was saying was... I'm so glad for you that you were able to spend this quality time together, just the two of you!!! You should definitely make it happen more. :D I understand how hard it is with kids, though. We don't have date nights as often as I wish we would. It's all for a good cause, right?

    Happy after-anniversary!
