
Monday, October 21, 2013

{on being an artist...and seasons}

I have found myself on an exciting road over the past few months, as I've had custom doodle orders streaming in. It has been humbling and crazy and for the most part, very fun.

It all started with that Instagram photo up there. ^^^

But I have to admit that as an artist, I'm starting to miss creating for me...grabbing my supplies and just making whatever jumps out of my head and heart. journaling...I miss those things. And I want to explore my creative talent in other ways.

I'm BEYOND grateful to the many friends and Etsy customers that have been keeping my pen and paper busy. SO grateful. I just need to take some time for get back to my roots and let my creativity flow in whatever direction it wants to move.

After I finish up the few orders I currently have, I'm going to be taking a break. I'm not sure how long it will be...if I've learned anything about myself it is that I'm unpredictable and tomorrow I could change my tune. It has been weirdly a short season that has felt like a very long one...probably because I've been drawing since I was old enough to hold a crayon in my chubby little fingers.

But right now, in this moment, I'm craving creative freedom. I feel like God is nudging me to work toward something else. Who knows what it is but Him. But I know it has to be good if I'm feeling such a tight tug from Him on my creative strings.

I have to say that I'm proud of myself because I am such a people pleaser, and love validation, so to turn down someone that wants to pay me for my creative talent is one of the hardest things I could ever choose to do.

But for now I am. And I hope you all understand and know that I'm working on another good thing. And my shop is still stocked with printables and a few ready to ship prints!

With an infinite amount of thanks from this artist's heart...

post signature


  1. You have an amazing talent and I am sure there are so many ways you can share that talent. I am lucky in the fact I have one of your drawings of my house and I love it! So thank you for sharing your talent with me....I look forward always to your drawings and now we shall see what new things you will come up with....You need to enjoy life, family and friends and believe people will understand....From what you said we will still be able to enjoy your doodles! Again thank you!

  2. Good for you! I can totally relate. I am so busy filling orders, that I seldom get time to create anything for me.

    However, I feel very blessed to be so successful and to be able to feed my family doing what I love.

    I'm glad I got my requests in under the wire ;-)

  3. Oh Mandy! I'm just glad that I was the first of your "home drawings" it's proudly hanging in my house and I'm forever greatful! Love you friend! And excited for the new journey!

  4. Geez, I feel like you wrote the words from my own heart over here! My new shop is scheduled to open tomorrow, but I was just telling Amy Cornwell last week that I was thinking about just scrapping it and doing random pop up sales on IG. Not having the pressure to create, but to create at my own whim when I'm truly inspired not forced. I think it comes from the custom order requests of "Can you do this? or that?" and I want to take them all on for the money and also because I too am a people pleaser (working on that). Good for you though! Excited to see the other projects you will be working on! xo!!
