
Friday, December 27, 2013

{christmas in photos}

It is hard to believe the Christmas is over much preparation and poof...gone. We had a really wonderful day and are lucky enough to live close to my parents and my hubby's mom so we got to see all of them in the same day. Here are just a few photos of our family celebration...

We let the boys open up their gifts to each other on Christmas Eve and that was pretty much the most adorable thing ever...

Spy binoculars for Landon...

And a big old Hulk for Ben...

Brothers gotta hug!

Then they put on their new Christmas jammies, put out the milk and cookies for Santa, and were ready for bed...after a few {or ten} photos...

Once the boys were snug in their beds {they actually shared the lower bunk...can you say precious?!} we wrapped their gifts and watched A Christmas Story...

I love seeing a tree surrounded by lovely packages...

And then on to Christmas morning! 

These boys crack me up...

The Hulk Hands were actually their gift to their dad but they will get plenty of use by every male member of the household, and probably me a few times too!

This was on my wish list...but I wasn't expecting my hubby to get it for me...

You could say I was just a TAD excited. :)

Men building things...

Grandparents are the best, aren't they?

Love my Momma!

After the morning with my parents, we headed over to my mother-in-law's house for the rest of our celebration. 

I am so thankful that I get to call these ladies mom and sister...

Having fun with my new toy...

The boys got A LOT of lego/block toys. And Dan put together everything you see here except for the fire station {that's my handiwork}...

Checkers! It is so fun to be able to play games like this with them now...

And last night the boys and I had probably our final viewing of The Polar Express for the season...goodness I just love that movie...

Whew! So that was our Christmas in more than a few photos. I actually took it easy this year. 

I only used my phone for photos and tried to take most of the moments in without the lens in front of my face. I don't even care if the photos aren't the best quality. The moments were, and that's what matters. 

I've also decided that 5 years old is the PERFECT Christmas age. It was overflowing with magic. :)

How was your Christmas? Tell me all about it in the comments!

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1 comment:

  1. adorable photos!!
