
Friday, January 24, 2014

{hello friday}

This week has been one for the record books.

The temps have dipped down under zero most days. Not typical for around here. We're used to cold winters but this is taking it to a whole other, very cold, level.

And on Tuesday I got some mail that I had been waiting for that could be a game changer for me...

You know its a big deal when my hubby doesn't even complain about taking my picture. :)

I wish I could share more details right now, but all I can say is that FedEx envelope held something so exciting for me that I keep going back and forth between ridiculous excitement, grateful tears, and the usual human response of "this is too good to be true". 

I'm sharing this with you all because you have been some of my biggest cheerleaders. You've been with me for years...through my early scrapbooking days, the birth of my boys, my random DIY adventures, and most recently my transformation into an artist. 

And I promise I'll share more fun details when I hang in there with me, OK? :) 

Until then, here are a few more photos from my week...

Working on a custom order "one little word" doodle...

You can order your own here.

Watching the boys cook with their Gigi...

Documenting the every day laundry...

Playing legos while enjoying the sunset view from our front window...

Finding some treasures at Goodwill and TJ Maxx...

You can see how I wore the pants here.

Keeping up with workouts...

Working on some new pieces with a dreamcatcher theme...

Working on homework...

Landon isn't asleep, I promise. :)

Getting some inspiration from this book...

And trying to stay warm...

What did your week look like?

post signature


  1. I would love to get into hand lettering. I have great handwriting but it isn't especially "pretty". Can you recommend any sources/supplies for getting started?

  2. Love your pics and your drawings. Will have to check into that further!!
