
Thursday, January 02, 2014

{one little word 2014}

I feel like I'm finally figuring it out.

35 years old and the most obvious thing literally smacked me in the face a few months ago. 

I'm an artist. 

I doodle.  I draw.

It was what I did for years...for my entire childhood. 

And then something happened...I guess a few random things {although I don't believe anything that happens in life is random} that threw me off track. 

And I stopped. 

I did lots of other crafty things for the past 15 years. Scrapbooking, knitting, jewelry making, DIY projects. I'm always described as the creative one by family and friends. But for the longest time I forgot just how innate that creativity was.

That all I needed was a pen and some paper. 

And courage.

What followed has blown me away. And humbled me. 

I feel like God is up there nodding his head and giving me a big thumbs up, like, "Well, it took you a long time, but you finally figured it out." Like a proud Father. 

In just a few months time I have been propelled into this new adventure that feels as familiar and comfortable as a warm mug of coffee cupped in my hands or my well-loved baby blanket {that I'm not ashamed to admit I still sleep with} against my skin.

I'm becoming me.

So for 2014 my one little word is BECOME.

I have big hopes and dreams for this coming year. 

REALLY big ones. And I'm not afraid to admit that. 

OK, maybe a little bit. But I'm not going to shy away from it. 

Because it feels goooood. :)

And I'm so thankful for each and every one of you that are supporting me and cheering for me along the way. You.are.awesome.

2014 I'm so excited you are here!

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  1. I love your word! You have SO much potential and crazy amazing talent. Can't wait to see what you do in 2014!

  2. You really got me thinking about a word, and I'm trying to choose between two, health and calm!

  3. Beautiful! I also just added your blog to my "blogs I like" bookmarks - you've done a great job making it look fun and appealing. :)
