
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

{playing dress up}

Happy Wednesday friends!

I have an outfit to share with you today, but first I want to share a little bit about the past week and how I'm doing so far with living into my "one little word" for 2014, which is...

{You can read more about why I chose that word here.}

I'm determined for this year to be the 365 days that I become more "me" in every sense of the word. I've been spending a lot of time on my art over the past few months, which of course I love, but some other things have taken a back seat. My health being one of the most important ones.

Over the past 6 months or so I've put on probably 10 pounds through stress eating and just not exercising. I blame a lot of this on the boys starting kindergarten and our family finding a new normal. It takes me a long time to adjust to big changes and when I'm stressed I turn to food, mostly sweets and snacks, and a lot of the time late at night. I've also been drinking more soda than I would care to admit. And I've been getting a TON of tension headaches. I've just felt like crap if I'm being totally honest. 

So since the new year has started I've been treating my body better. Lots more water. Healthy snacks. Lower calorie meals. {for the most part...let's just ignore last night's pizza and wine, shall we?}

And for the past week I've started using our treadmill again.

If you follow me on Instagram this is not news to you. :) 

I've used it for five different sessions in the past week for a total of about 11 miles and I feel SO good. I'm not big on using a doesn't motivate me...but I can tell a bit of a difference in my stomach and that makes me happy and is keeping me going. 

I typically get VERY motivated for a week or so with working out and then feel so good that I take a day off which turns to a few days, then a few weeks and then....well, you get the idea. So I'm trying to keep my momentum going and right now I feel like I can do it. 

I've also been practicing my doodling, finding inspiration through books, Pinterest and other artists. And I'm reading a lot more. I recently finished two books that fueled my desire to keep working on my art...

This great quote is from The War of Art...

I love that my word for the year is in there...I might have to doodle this one and frame it. :)

So with all of those things blended together, plus trying to be more present with the boys during our time together, I feel like I'm becoming more whole and living more fully into the person I'm meant to be. 

OK...are you still with me? You'll probably notice a few more outfit postings now that I'm feeling better in my clothes too and I have one to share today. This one is my typical mix of TJ Maxx and Target with a handmade accessory thrown in...

I love this new cozy sweater I picked up at TJ Maxx before Christmas, and this Target top is the perfect tunic length to wear with skinny jeans. 

The boots are from Ebay, earrings from Starburst Studio and the ring was a gift from my sister. 

Did you choose a word for 2014? 

I would love to hear about it and how you are living into it in the comments!

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  1. I have been struggling with OLW for 2014. Then I found your blog! "become" is the perfect word for me!
    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

  2. I have been struggling with my OLW for 2014. Then I found your blog! "become" is a perfect work for me!
    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

  3. Mandy~

    Thank you so much for sharing with us...I too have been struggling with weight issues, stress eating and not exercising...I feel horrible! There are a lot of reasons why I have put on so much weight but I will not bore you with the details....I will tell you that next January 1st I turn 50 and my goal for the year is to lose 50lbs by that date...Believe it or not it does help just knowing we are not alone out there!

    Thanks again and keep up the good work!

  4. You go girl! I love your goals :) I have tried to start getting back in shape myself and its not easy, but I know I would feel some much more healthy by eating smarter and actually hitting the gym--so I am with you :):)


  5. Simplicity. And yes, I'm doing a great job so far.
    You're doing awesome too! I love seeing your art, seeing the books you read, etc. And, yay for working out. You can do it!! I hope you start feeling better, I know what you mean about that.
