
Friday, March 07, 2014

{slowing down}

I spent basically all day yesterday in bed with a sinus infection.

Other than the pounding pressure in my ears, it was heavenly.

Wrapped up in my favorite green fluffy blanket, wearing my fleece pants and cozy slippers.

My body forced me to slow down this week and for the most part, I'm thanking it.

I realized this week that busy has become my new normal. If I'm not filling every moment with an important task, I feel like I'm wasting time.

Can you relate to this?

I had a super crazy month at work with two big events...I've been working a lot on my doodles...and then there is the business of being a mom and wife. All of that together makes for one freaking busy life.

And my body reacted by filling up my sinuses and wearing my mind down to the point where all I could do a few nights ago to keep from breaking down was mindlessly eat ice cream on the couch...

I wonder sometimes if God created our bodies and minds for this.

{Not for ice cream eating...I'm sure He approves of that.}

But for the BUSY that so many of us celebrate. The idea that if we aren't productive we aren't living up to our potential. I've decided that I need to reframe all of this for myself and find a better balance of productive time and allowing myself periods of rest.

I know I've been neglecting the blog last post was February 17th. Sorry is just too full these days. I'm trying to figure out how to balance it all...the necessities and the extras that make my heart happy and full. Most days the things I would like to cut out are the necessities which aren't an option, so that is frustrating. My drawing sustains me a lot these days...eases my anxiety and gives me purpose.

I spent the morning Wednesday at our local coffee shop drawing and it was so therapeutic...

Here is one that came out of that session...

Hoping I can find another day soon to do that.

So bear with me as I'm finding my way through this busy life and trying to find a good balance.

Any tips?

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1 comment:

  1. Mandy,
    Hey my friend! This hasn't been your winter, with the sinus infections and all! I i just saw your post on Google+, and had to stop by your blog and comment! I hope that you feel better soon! Hugs to you and your family!
