
Monday, April 14, 2014

{first s'mores of the year}

This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group™ and Wet-Nap but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #showusyourmess

The weather here has finally gotten warmer and we've cooked out on the grill two nights in a row. I didn't realized how much I missed grill food but boy did those hamburgers and fajitas hit the spot. Yesterday I told the boys we were going to make s'mores after dinner. Ben had his usual mixed reaction...he wants to eat them but doesn't want to get messy.

Boys are supposed to enjoy getting messy, right?

Last year when we made s'mores, Ben would hardly eat one because he didn't want to get sticky marshmallow and melted chocolate on his hands. I was determined this year that I would find a way for him to enjoy the experience and not worry about the mess. 

So I ran to Walmart and picked up a canister of Wet-Nap wipes, and took them outside with us when we made the s'mores. That way, he could wipe his fingers whenever he wanted and enjoy his treat! 
I grabbed a few non-traditional s'more ingredients, including shortbread cookies and Reece's cups. Yum!
The boys opted for the tried-and-true Hershey bar on theirs, although they both tried one with the cookies first instead of graham crackers. 

Despite my reassurance, Ben still looked like he had eaten some kind of bug when he got his first bite of marshmallow on his lips...such a funny boy.
But once I reminded him we can clean it up later, he relaxed and just enjoyed the yummy, melty goodness.
Landon, on the other hand, had no issue with getting his hands...and face...a little messy. 
And then cleaning up was super easy! 
I may sound crazy, but I'll always make sure we have wipes close-by whenever we make s'mores from now on. 

Oh! And let's not forget a s'more for Mom too! 
The Reece's cup in there was AMAZING. 

Are your kids crazy like my Ben about not wanting to get messy? What are your tricks for helping them to embrace the mess?

If you want to head to Walmart and pick up some Wet-Nap wipes {how cute is their new packaging?!}, here is a 55 cent coupon off of any Wet-Nap product while supplies last!

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1 comment:

  1. We love us a good smores treat! Wet Naps are definitely a necessity! Cute pics!
