
Tuesday, March 10, 2015

{just go with it}

Are you an over-thinker?

I ask because I don't want to be the only one in the room with my hand raised.

We can certainly be our own worst enemies...sabotaging ourselves before we give the good stuff a chance to settle in and make itself at home. 

99.9% of work day mornings, when my alarm goes off, my immediate reaction upon hearing that horrible buzzing noise is "nooooo!" met with anxiety the minute my feet touch the floor, if not sooner.

This morning, however, was that .01% of mornings. This time when the dreaded alarm sounded, I was greeted by a foreign feeling of OK-ness that was so lovely, and caught me so off guard, that my mind instantly wanted to return to my well-worn friend, anxiety. Like turning down a cozy fleece blanket for an itchy piece of wool. 

Before I could get there, though, this phrase was spoken to me... 

Just go with it. {Tweet this }

Stop over-thinking and just be grateful for this unprecedented 180 degree turn. 

And so I did.

Because who knows what tomorrow morning will bring.

Maybe you need to just go with it today too?

Turn off that default switch in your brain of anxiety, worry, judgment, fear or I'm-not-good-enough-ness.

If your mind suddenly decides to do a 180 like mine did this morning, embrace the heck out of it!


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