
Saturday, March 26, 2016

{logo design}

I'm excited to share another finished logo project with you today, and a bit of the creation process. I was contacted by Metro Flea NYC, a three-location flea market in downtown New York City, to create a new logo and branding for them. 

I started by creating some sketches for them including a few lettering styles to choose from and background images... 

A few extra O's up there for good measure. Such a simple letter but gives me fits sometimes!

Here are a few of the initial designs I showed them...

I think my favorite thing is the little "NYC" flag. 

They wanted to go with a more traditional NYC skyline which changed it to this...

And then decided on a fully black and white color scheme. Here is what the finished piece looks like...

So there's a peek into how the process from sketches to finished logo. It is definitely a challenge working through email with a client you've never met in person, but knowing they are excited and happy about the finished product makes it all worth it. And I learned quite a bit from the process as well!


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