
Friday, October 07, 2016

{come learn with me!}

It is so funny how life brings you opportunities that are the furthest from what you see yourself doing. 


Yep...not something this homebody introvert ever saw herself doing. But here I am, adding a "Classes" page to my website, teaching on Skillshare, and now I'm teaching another local class!

This summer I taught doodling to kiddos at Veach's Toy Station which was so much fun and also helped me get my feet wet in the realm of face to face teaching. 

A local friend who's children took my class, and who also teaches amazing Creativity Camp classes out of her barn (yes...barn!)...invited me to teach a class with her this fall. You all I'm over the moon excited about this, and I hope if you are local you can join us!

We'll be creating a glass mosaic frame, and then I'll be leading students in a doodling exercise to create a piece of art for their frame. 

You can reserve your spot here! Class is limited to 20 participants. 

And if you aren't local, I would love to have you join me over on Skillshare for my doodling class. Here are some fabulous projects from my students...

Aren't they amazing? I just love sharing doodling with you brings so much joy to the world don't you think?

If you have any ideas for other classes you would like to see me teach please leave them in the comments!


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