
Tuesday, November 22, 2016

{a November exhale}

Hello out there!

Is anyone still with me over here on my lonely blog?

November has been a bit of a doozy hasn't it?

Are you feeling that way too? 

Mine has looked a bit like this: I started back to work which was in itself a big shift. I also spent the entire last week sick with a nasty sinus infection and chest cold that I'm finally on the other side of. And I had an art sale last weekend. And oh yeah...there was an election.

Deep exhale.

I've found myself medicating with cozy sweaters and of course lots of coffee.

And cat cuddling...

As well as doing my best to be kind to everyone I encounter...

Especially those who might feel extra tender and scared right now.

Have you needed to implement extra self care this month? What have been your methods?

With Thanksgiving two days away, I know most of us are also probably feeling some sort of pressure or tension. Whether it be with making sure the meal is prepared, or spending time with family you don't necessarily see eye-to-eye with or...

Another deep exhale.

Stick with what you know is good and true, and let the rest slide away. That's my best advice. And maybe a bit of this...

We really are all in this together. And I hope in some small way I can help you feel encouraged today. 

And now on to some fun art news!

I'm working on putting together a new printable holiday coloring book! Here are a few sneaks at the pages in progress...

I'll have it in my Etsy shop soon!

And I'm working on a Black Friday/Small Business Saturday/Cyber Monday Etsy sale. I'll share details very soon once I figure them out! 😂

Oh, AND if you are local, I'll be selling lots of my illustrated goodies at Roscoe's Coffee Bar on Friday, December 2nd from 6-8 pm...

There will also be a bunch of other amazing local artists selling their creations. So come see me and do some Christmas shopping! (Follow the event on Facebook)

Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving (my American friends!) and times of rest and perhaps a few more deep exhales during this busy holiday season.

Lots of love,


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