
Tuesday, November 01, 2016

{go with the flow}

Well friends....that is my office there behind me.

Which means one thing. 

My lovely sabbatical is over. All six months of it. Which is SO hard to believe. 

Cue all of the feelings. Seriously...ALL of them within a span of about 4 hours. 

This morning I went from "OK this isn't so bad" to "I might cry" to "NO ONE TALK TO ME!" to "OK my coffee has kicked in I guess people can see me" to "I can totally handle this". 

I really do drive myself nuts, but that's how my brain works. Can you relate? Please...someone tell me yes. It is a rollercoaster living in my mind. 

A virtual amusement park! 😂

But honestly I wouldn't change it for a thing. 

The sabbatical was a tremendous gift.

And as much as I am resisting going back to work, it is here and happening and I'm going to do my best to embrace this new season and look for all of the lessons it will teach me. 

Because I know it will. 

And this is going to be my mantra for the week as I transform back into "professional" Mandy (if that's even a real thing!)...

Maybe you need this reminder right now too? 



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