
Saturday, December 31, 2016

One Little Word 2017

Hello friends!

It is hard to believe 2016 is coming to a close, and that I'm typing out a post about my one little word for 2017, but here we are. 

And I know many are saying Amen! And Hallelujah! to the close of this year.

A lot of you, a lot of us, have had a trying year. The seas have been rough with choppy waves for so many.

I have felt the sea sickness of those waves coming from our political climate, and from the devastation our friends in places like Aleppo, and even Gatlinburg, have experienced. As a super empathetic person, there were days when thinking about these things has overshadowed what has been going on between the four walls of our home.

But between our four walls these past 365 days, in all honesty (and not at all to sound braggy), things have been rather joy-filled and wonderful.

I was gifted a six month sabbatical from work, we remodeled our kitchen, my artwork has grown and provided me with immense happiness, and my marriage has grown stronger. Not to mention everything about those two boys who call me momma (or fart face...but whatever). 

It has simply been a good year.

Renew was my one little word for 2016, and I chose it this time last year, thinking ahead to my time off mostly. And while it was a good word, looking back it doesn't truly describe 2016 for me. 

That's the thing with choosing a word - sometimes it doesn't quite jive. And that's OK! 

Not that I didn't have time of renewal this past year, because I did. But overall I would say it was a year of growth and challenge for me. And of major gratitude and presence.

But for this year? I was struggling with what word to choose. I wasn't even sure if I would choose one. Then recently a friend posted on Facebook for people to share one word that began with the first letter of their name, to give her encouragement for the new year. And MAGIC popped up right away into my head. So that's what I shared with her.

And then I almost immediately decided, THAT'S IT! 

My one little word for 2017 is MAGIC.

I know it may sound cheesy & head in the clouds. But I mean really...when haven't I been either of those things? (and darn proud of it!)

And this year I feel like being a bit more of those things. Because life really can be magic if we let it be. And I want as much as I can get my hands on in 2017. 

Magic with my art, with my relationships, with how I experience the world and everything in it. 

Do you have a word for the upcoming year? Or a phrase or goal you are reaching for? I'd love to hear about it in the comments!

P.S. This image was in my timehop today from last year. So perfect, right? 



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