
Saturday, December 15, 2012

{Christmas #5}

This Christmas will be #5 for the boys. So hard to believe! 

I thought it would be fun to take a little walk down memory lane and share their Christmas photos from each here we go!

I can't stand that cuteness up there!!!

Oops...just figured out that I didn't do a posed Christmas photo that year so this will have to do...
It is simply amazing to me to see the changes from year to year, especially 2008-2009. They go from babies to big boys so quickly! 

This year has been our most magical Christmas season yet with them...I can't wait for the big day! :)

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  1. I love this! They are precious!

  2. So sweet! I hope you enjoy every minute of this holiday with your boys!

  3. So cute! Love seeing cards through the years. It's so fun to look back! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  4. Seriously where does the time go??!! They've not only grown, they're so handsome & obviously such loving little dudes! This trip down memory lane is making me misty-eyed....the days are long but the years are short. =]


  5. adorable. don't let them grow up!

  6. Anonymous4:00 PM

    hI I am a sahm of two sweet kids. Cody is 13 (already)!!! and Kaili my daughter is 8. I have enjoyed looking at your decor!!! Loooks pretty!!!! I made diy branches with glitter onto them and it was fun! Merry early Christmas
