
Friday, December 14, 2012

{instagram friday}

I promise this post will turn into my instagram friday...just bear with me for a minute, OK? :)


Yesterday I had a great phone call with my Mom. She had another check-up after her eye surgery a few weeks ago and everything is healing well and she is on the road to recovery. Such an answer to so many prayers. She had a bit of a scare a few days ago when she went for her initial check-up and had to have another procedure done so of course that brought back a lot of anxiety and worry. To hear her happy voice yesterday was like music to my soul.

I know I have mentioned over the past few weeks that I've just been feeling blah and as I got ready for work this morning I realized that the blahs haven't left me yet. I know this because...
  1. I've had some serious cravings for comfort food and sweets
  2. I want to wear my comfy sweaters 24/7
  3. I have been using an extra blanket and my heating pad at bedtime
  4. I'm feeling extra nostalgic about absolutely everything
I know a lot of it has to do with the anxiety I've felt over my Mom's recovery. And then I know there is more.

When a new situation of stress, worry, and anxiety arrives, it can open up an already existing wound, interrupting the healing process that was taking place...only compounded by the holiday season when you want to be with your family the most. No matter how happy you are and how many blessings you have to be thankful for, when there is a big part of your life that is wounded, with no healing in sight, it can be difficult to focus on the joy.

This will be the third Christmas in a row that I haven't seen my sister.

There, I said it.

And it hurts. And I'm sad about it.

But then I was reminded of this...

"When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
It is well, it is well, with my soul." 

And I thought..."Yep...It IS well with my soul. Because I have everything I need and I'm surrounded by love. And the things that are wounded right now are in God's hands. And He will provide healing when the time is right."

And all I have to do is look at my Instagram feed to be reminded of the many reasons I have to rejoice and cry happy tears...

Visiting Nana and Papa and making a gingerbread a yearly tradition

Taking a walk around my old neighborhood..capturing this sweet moment with Landon and my Dad

We did our first letters to Santa this year

Scrapbooking my precious boys

A handmade scarf from a sweet friend

Our annual tradition of going to see the Christmas train display

Landon was SO excited to help dry the dishes. Sweet boy. :)

Documenting life turns out to be one of the best forms of therapy doesn't it?

What are your reasons to be joyful this week?

Linking up with...
life rearranged

Hello Hue Little Things

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  1. Oh I really appreciated this. My one sister hasn't seen my youngest two littles EVER, and my oldest sister and I haven't seen each other for three years. Sucks. But your words and reminders are encouraging to me this season. Thanks.

  2. Thanks for posting this. It's good to see the blessings in your life. And it's good to acknowledge the pain. I'm not sure what happened with your sister, but I can tell that it hurts. Hugs to you this season.

  3. sending you virtual hugs!

  4. I'm glad your mom is well. :) I too have been craving sweets and I'm tucking in with a hot water bottle at night. Sorry you are missing your sister this season. That must be hard.

  5. I'm visiting from Life Rearranged. I love "It is Well." I don't think I've ever heard it without crying. I hope you have a great week!
