
Saturday, January 19, 2013

{DIY "one little word" pendant}

Have you chosen your one little word for 2013?

My word is grow {you can read about why I chose it here}. I love the one little word is an easy way to make a New Year's resolution. A word that you will focus on in all areas of your life for an entire year.

A few weeks ago I wore the pendant I made with my one little word for WIWW, and I thought it would be fun to share a tutorial for how I made it, and also a fun little giveaway.

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This is a really simple and affordable project. Here are the items you'll need...

  1. small letter stickers {these are Making Memories brand}
  2. a blank pendant {I purchased mine at Hobby Lobby}
  3. length of necklace chain {I purchased mine at JoAnn}
  4. acrylic paint in the color of your choice
  5. Clear glass finish medium {similar product}
Not pictured:
  1. paint brush
  2. necklace clasp
  3. jewelry making tools
First I painted the inside of my pendant with my blue acrylic paint...

I left the paint a bit messy on looks a bit rustic/handmade after you apply the clear glass finish.

Once that was dry, I applied my letter stickers and then the clear glass medium on top...

The medium I used looks a bit hazy until it dries.

Once it was dry I attached the chain and I had my necklace!

Would you like to wear this lovely thing around your neck?

Well...I'm giving it away to one lucky reader! You all bring me so much joy that I wanted to give a little something back.

I think whether your word for 2013 is joy or not, we could all use a little bit more, right?

Enter below via the Rafflecopter widget to win!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Linking up with...

Home Stories A to Z Tutorials & Tips Link Party!

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  1. Love this! Thanks for sharing and for the giveaway!

  2. PS - My word this year is intentional. :)

  3. So cute Mandy!

    My word this year is "Fly". I think we associate "To Fly" with youth, but as I approach 38 in a couple of months (eep!), I'm reclaiming it for a new chapter in my mid-ish life. This year I'm finally graduating with my B.S., taking a trip to Paris, setting off on a new career...FLY seems so appropriate.

  4. I love this project, Mandy! It's perfect. I don't have a word or a resolution, but I suppose my general plan for 2013 is to just keep on keeping on. :) -Angie Livesay :)

  5. I'm so excited you are giving this away! My word is breathe :)

  6. I'm so excited you are giving this away! My word is breathe :)

  7. cute! especially love the blue background! i don't have a word but joy would be great! ;) finding joy in all things sounds like such a good goal to strive for.

  8. I found you throught TT&J. What a pretty necklace and great tutorial. I think even I could do this. Thanks for sharing!

  9. word for the year is nurture.

  10. My Word for this year is: Fly

  11. Mandy,
    My word for 2013 is ABDICATE. As in not holding onto the hurts of the past, but moving forward in God's Joy!

  12. My word is Grateful. I always want to be reminded I have a lot to be grateful for!

  13. Great choice for your word. I've not chosen one...I always come back to Breathe...I derive several meanings from this word...breathe as in when my anxiety is closing in, breathe to calm my nerves...breathe as in stop, inhale - become conscious of the moment...breathe as in, well, I have asthma so you know how important breathing is to a person with asthma! ;) But, I'm thinking this year I need more than a word...I'm thinking I should just adopt the Nike phrase "Just Do It!" because I'm always lacking in the motivation department!

  14. love the necklace! my word is patience. don't think i could fit it on a pendant very easily. ;)

  15. Thanks for linking to Take-A-Look Tuesday over at Sugar Bee Crafts - you were featured today!!

  16. I've been thinking about mine a lot, and it is two words: Carry On. It is very fitting for my life right now!

  17. Anonymous2:34 PM


    I am trying to reuse things in any way I can this year to save money and be good to the Earth!

    THANK YOU for the giveaway :))

  18. So cute!!! My word is peace, because I'm done with being stressed :)

  19. Thank you for such a wonderful idea!! I love it!

  20. Sooo pretty. My one little word for this year is faith. To remind me to have faith that everything happens for a reason

  21. This is adorable! I have a couple words that spring to mind: "learn," "brave(ry)," and "enjoy." I think I'll have to find rather small letters, but I'm gonna do my best! I've recently moved to Germany, and I don't know anyone aside from my boyfriend, and I also don't speak any German, so it's been a bit of an adventure for me! I've been learning, and definitely enjoying, and since I've had to leave everyone back home for the unknown, I think that deserves the word brave! Thanks for the giveway and great idea! :)

  22. Newest follower, love your blog! My word is patience...cause I need it! xoxo

  23. super cute!
    JOY is my little word

  24. I've thought a lot about my word for this year, and the best I have so far is prioritize. I'm really trying to do better and prioritizing my time.

  25. My word is keep. keep on keepin' on and keep plugging away! I have a lot of course work and college applications coming up this year, and if I can keep my current grades, then I'll be in good shape for college.

  26. This is so very cute. Thanks for the idea.... My word is "Be"..... Will definitely be giving this a try!

  27. this turned out lovely. I'm mildly obsessed with making pendants particularly with dimensional magic (glass finish)! Thanks so much for sharing this at my link party :)

    Marissa @ Rae Gun Ramblings

  28. Hi Mandy,

    My name is Laura, and I am the editor of, a free resource for jewelry tutorials. I would love to feature some of your fabulous tutorials on our site, like this one and your necklace refashion post, with one photo and a link back to your site for the full tutorial so that none of your content is reproduced. Please let me know if you are interested in being featured, and I'd be happy to link up to some of your projects on AllFreeJewelryMaking! I can either choose the projects to feature on the site, or if you prefer, you can send me links to projects you are interested in having featured. Please let me know what you think! Contact me at I hope we can begin working together soon.

    Thank you for your time,
