
Friday, January 18, 2013

{instagram friday}

I know I say this every week, but seriously, HOW is it Friday already?!

Not that I'm complaining....we have a fun weekend ahead! Tonight is our weekly movie night with the boys and tomorrow we are finally celebrating Christmas with the hubby's extended family. I might have to break out my reindeer scarf again.

And of course because it is Friday I'm linking up with Life Rearranged for Insta-Friday...

life rearranged

Here is a peek into my week through my Instagram photos!

{you can follow me here}

I snapped this cute pic of Landon picking out his movie for last week's movie night...his hair is

On Saturday I got to spend half the day crafting with some of the most fun ladies I know...and under a really big and fancy chandelier...

I didn't finish my December Daily but I made quite a dent in it...

Played a little {quite literally} bowling before yucky shoes required!

Hit the jackpot at Goodwill with some awesome Target finds and vintage pieces. I also snagged a Gap corduroy skirt and a Kohl's blouse!

On Monday I got my wedding rings back from being replated and they look SO beautiful! I can't even remember them being this shiny. :)

 I always try to match my candy to my accessories... ;)

 My favorite moment of the week was watching Ben paint...

 And a close runner up would be our trip to this place on Wednesday...

And here are a few of the treasures we came home with...

Whew! It was quite a great week for our little family. :) What did your week look like?

Also linking up with...

Hello Hue Little Things 

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  1. your rings are gorgeous! stopping by from InstaFriday :)

  2. Nice Target the thrift store! I never get that lucky. I LOVE Ikea, my husband hates going there with me because I could literally be in there all day.

  3. Love Ikea! Wish(or maybe not) that we had one closer than 2 hours away!

  4. 1. looks like he is picking out a movie at the library? #score

    2. goodwill score highfive

    3. i know what you mean re: your ring. fyi: you can get it cleaned for free at any jewelry store! (this has been my experience thus far) it's a fun treat every so often. i too am surprised by how shiny they get it!

    enjoy that weekend of yours :)

    over from the little things link up

  5. IKEA is the best!!

    New to your blog from DIY Louisville.

  6. OMG - I have that same exact wooden "pod" dish. (I don't really know what it is, do you?) Found it at a thrift store this fall. Too funny! Looked really cute with my fabric acorns in it. :)

  7. What's not to love about Ikea! I was there last week myself.I love the "as is" section! And I still need to work on my december daily (I actually never finished my 2011 DD). Stopping by from Hello Hue.

  8. You've inspired me to make a very overdue trip to Ikea! :) I thank husband probably not so much. Haha :) Visiting from Hello Hue. XO

