
Friday, January 04, 2013

{Instagram Friday}

How is it already Friday again? Goodness this new year is already flying by it seems. I'm really excited about the weekend...ready to catch up on some projects around the house and enjoy some quality time with my three boys.

And of course Friday means it is time to share my life through my little phone camera over the past week. You can follow me on Instagram here.

Linking up with Life Rearranged...

life rearranged

Last Friday we were all feeling better and finally got to celebrate Christmas with my parents. I missed them SO much the week of Christmas...even when you are an adult you still need your Mom and Dad. :)

On Saturday we celebrated with my mother and sister-in-law and our nephew, and I was spoiled with some really great can't go wrong with an owl mug and cozy slippers!

The boys got Hungry Hungry Hippos from their Auntie...such a fun game!

I was very excited to wear my new Target hat...a gift from the hubby...

After a really mild winter last year, the boys were very excited to play out in the snow. We got a total about about 14 inches Christmas week!

I had fun setting up my new craft table the hubby bought me...I'm in heaven!

Here is the table from has three drawers on the other side too. SO much storage!

I chose my one little word for 2013...

Worked on some much needed organizing of my craft supplies...

And last night I worked on some goals for the new year...putting them down on paper makes them seem a lot more real, right?

What has your week looked like?

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  1. ooooh love your new craft table!!!! happy Friday!

  2. Your new hat is adorbs! Totally brought me over from Jeannett. :) And lucky girl with a new craft table. Nice to "meet" you!

  3. Oh my gosh that craft table is perfect. I was going to try to build one but I like the idea of it folding down. Is it big enough to cut fabric on?

  4. I neeeeed those cozy slippers and owl mug. Adorable. And Hungry Hungry Hippos??? I LOVED that game as a kid,but as a parent, I think the noise would drive me crazy. Sheesh, way to be a Debbie Downer, Shan.

