
Wednesday, January 02, 2013

{one little word 2013}

Maybe it is because I'm turning 35 this year.

Maybe it is because my boys will be turning 5 in May.

Maybe it is because my husband and I will celebrate 10 years of marriage in October.

Lots of milestones this year. Yet personally, I feel a bit stagnate.

If you read my blog regularly, you know my story. Mom to twin boys...wife to an amazing stay-at-home full time...LOVE creating things and connecting with others who enjoy the same thing.

And by love, I mean L.O.V.E.

And there isn't a lot of time in my life right now for creating. You may be rolling your eyes at me because compared to most folks, I do create an awful lot. You can tell that just by looking at my 2012 project recap post.

But it isn't enough for me. I want desperately to be able to create all day long. For my day job to be something I'm passionate about. Don't get me wrong, there are things I truly enjoy about my job. It is a allows me to fully support my family and for that I'm so grateful. I've met some absolutely amazing people that I feel lucky to call my friends.

But I still want more...I want to use the talents that God instilled in me. And right now I feel like I'm not doing that to the level He wants me to be.

So when it came time to choose my one little word for 2013, the one that popped up right away in my mind was...

I want to grow my creative talents. 

I want to grow this meet and make more blogging friends...and to make This Girl's Life a bigger part of my life. I want to grow the creative side of me so that it is MORE of me, does that make sense? So it encompasses more of what I do on a daily basis...not just something I squeeze in for 30 minutes one or two evenings a week. 

Do I know what that will look like? Well...not really. I have ideas of what I would LOVE for that to look like. Are they realistic? Maybe. Maybe not. But all I can do is do my best and pray that God will lead me in the right direction.

My one little word last year was commit, and I truly felt like I lived that word. Sure I could have done more {can't we all??}, but I committed to projects and saw them through. I completed quite a few house projects {with A LOT of help from family at times}, I made fun changes to the blog and grew my readership. I committed to sharing my daily outfits posts with you, even sometimes on days when I felt less than stylish. I joined Pollinate Media Group which has opened lots of fun doors for me to partner with companies and products that I love. I joined Instagram and have loved the connections I've made with other bloggers through that platform.

I guess, in a lot of ways, the commitment I made last year has led to the new growth that I want to focus on this year.

So here's to 2013...a year of growth and creative living!

Do you have a one little word for 2013? Please share in the comments!

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  1. I love this post - it's like you took the words right out my heart! It's my dream to have a job that allows me to DIY, paint, and create all day long. In fact, my word of the year for 2013 is create!
    I'm really committed to turning my blog into a work opportunity myself this year, and I'm glad I stumbled on yours today! I will definitely check back regularly to see how you grow:)

    Pink Chai Style

  2. I love your word grow! It was one of my two final words but I ended up with blossom. It's my time to "blossom". Happy New Year!

  3. My word is determined. :) You inspired my newest blog post, so maybe you grew a little bit ;)

  4. LOVE this! What a great choice. And, that's SO awesome that you feel like you lived your word of the year last year. Can't wait to follow along and watch you "grow"... xoxo

  5. I sincerely hope that 2013 is a year of growth for you!

  6. Grow is a great word!

    You are a very creative gal, I can't wait to see more of your projects and get to know you more and more!


  7. I love Grow! Sure makes you think!

  8. Hi there! I'm with you on meeting new creative people! I think we're fairly local to one another, maybe we could meet up sometime!
