
Thursday, March 21, 2013

{instagram friday}

This photo kind of sums up how I've felt this past week...

All I've wanted is comfort...comfort food {in this case a big cup of Tim Horton's chili and a large fountain coke}...comfy clothes...and time spent at home with my boys. 

I just want to be surrounded by all things comforting. 

Work has been super busy, the blog has been keeping me on my toes, the boys are as crazy as ever {in mostly good ways}. 

Everyday can just be too much sometimes. Don't get me wrong...I love our life, but sometimes I can let it get just a bit too full. This past weekend I really had to slow down and take a break from the computer, my phone, and just be me with my family...

I got to snuggle with the boys...

Take a fun trip to the library and other shops around town...

And do some much needed creating on Sunday putting together my February Insta-Life album...

And then moments like these during a busy work week can really melt the stress away...

Ben said, "I look gorgeous!" Why yes, yes you do sweet boy. :)

Watching my parents read a book with them was also one of those "stop and take it all in" moments...

I'm so thankful that the boys are growing up with their grandparents so close by.

And then I threw in just a shameless Instagram is complete without one...

I came home for lunch Wednesday and the boys had made a "racetrack" through basically the entire house with their books...

I love watching their imaginations at work. Even if it does mean putting away a gazillion books. 

And they are really filling up their read-a-thon chart for "x" = 5 minutes of reading!

You can tell when we went to the library because they have full rows after that. Those boys love reading and that makes me very happy!

With a life that seems to be going a mile a minute, and isn't going to slow down anytime soon, I'm so thankful for all of these everyday life moments that make it all worthwhile. 

What did your week look like? 

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  1. Yay for the boys loving to read. Both of my kids are total bookworms and it couldn't make me happier! Such a good habit for them to love.
    Oh yes, the down time.. time away from the computer and time to just snuggle. Definitely a necessity! Hope this next week isn't quite as busy for you.

  2. It's so great that they love to read! All of mine love it too, and being read to as well. The sad thing is that now my 3rd one (in 1st grade) doesn't get as much as the other two :( You're a good mama for unplugging and making it happen!

  3. It's good for the soul to stop and take a breather every now and then. I did the same thing this weekend. :)

    Every time my daughter tells me she's bored, I tell her to go read a book. It works...most of the time. :)
