
Saturday, March 23, 2013


Oh, how I needed today.

Waking up late, without the sound of an alarm, to stare at this cute neck while we watched Casper...

After the movie, Landon asked me if he could have a vitamin, AND THEN brush his teeth.

Um...YES son, that would be just fine! Seriously? That doesn't happen every day folks. 

The boys' Gigi took them out on the town while Dan and I enjoyed some time to get things done around the house and enjoy a lunch out together...a rare treat for all of us! 

And spontaneous shopping trip with her to TJ Maxx where we both found rings that just HAD to come home with us...

I got home just in time to snuggle with my Benny after the boys' nap...

And this is my new chalkboard message in the entryway...


It was a good day. 

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