
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

{blogging moms @ home: Kim}

Did you join me yesterday for our new series, Blogging Moms @ Home? I have five of my favorite ladies on the blog this week, sharing spaces in their homes that they enjoy making memories in with their children. Yesterday Nicky shared her gorgeous eclectic family room with us,  and today I'm super excited to welcome my friend Kim from Newly Woodwards. Take it away Kim!


Thanks so much to Mandy for inviting me over today to share a special space for me and my son in my home. 

I'm Kim and I blog at NewlyWoodwards. After five years of marriage, two full renovations and lots of DIY decorating, we welcomed our first son, Henry, last May. Not only did he rock our world, he also rocked our house.

While I still fully believe that a home can be pretty with a young child, I also had to adapt to first having a little guy with more "stuff," and now to a slightly bigger guy with lots of stuff and a desire to be on the move.

The room where I spend the most time with Henry is definitely our living room, and it's undergone a pretty substantial transformation since he was born. Now, it's one of my favorite spaces in our home, not only because I think it's pretty, but mostly because it's comfortable and also conducive to playing and reading and walking and crawling.

Living room update1

Pretty much all the things that are necessary for me and my nearly-one-year-old.

In regards to changes we've made to the space in the last year to make it better for us - we added a comfy (and easy-to-clean) sectional, a smaller coffee table and moved most of the furniture to the walls so there's plenty of room to roam. We also added plenty of storage for Henry's toys, since this is where we spend most of our playtime at home.

I picked up a few of these great baskets at Target for toys. They hold A LOT of stuff. And also serve as a good limit for us. We have some "overflow" toys upstairs and we swap them out occasionally. It keeps the living room from being overrun by toys. (Some of his books also live in the living room, and can be stored away under the television.)

Living room update4

The large rug was a remnant from my in-laws. We had it sized to fit the room and bound. We spend a LOT of time on that rug, so I'm happy to say it's super comfy.

(Also - not related to decorating but more important, I received a Roomba vacuum as a gift, so the floors are always swept and Henry I can play without being covered in dog hair.)As I was thinking about why this space was special, I realized it was because there are already so many memories made in this room. Like when we brought Henry home from the hospital - he spent a lot of his time in the playard right in the living room. (Our pug Lola watched over him like a hawk.)

Or spending the first long (and also painfully short) weeks pretty much planted on the sofa with my tiny little guy.

And then, like magic, watching him get bigger right before my eyes.

So, I guess it's obvious that it's a pretty sentimental space for me. As I was looking for photos, I realized that a majority of the photos of Henry are in this room. And here are a few of him and I over the past year. (Indulge me just a bit, will you? My little boy will be one soon and this momma is a bit teary about it.)

Thanks for having me, Mandy!


Thanks so much for sharing your space and your adorable Henry with us Kim!

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  1. How was he ever so little?!?! It's hard to believe so much can happen in a year! And your living room is gorgeous, so I love that it's super functional for a you and Henry, too.

  2. Such a fun space, Kim! I hope that you are getting excited for his big birthday celebration...looks so fun! :)

  3. Thanks so much for including me in your awesome series, Mandy.

  4. I love how you adapted your space to Henry Kim -- it's looking awesome and I still can't believe he's almost one already! :)

  5. How is Henry almost 1?! Man, time flies! Love Kim, her renovating prowess, & that adorable kid of hers to pieces!

  6. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Where did you take the rug to be bound and how much did it cost? We have an odd shaped room and either need to order something custom or I was hoping to find a remnant at menards and have it bound

  7. What a great attitude to have about your home. Before we bought our house, my son's room was the place to be. It was always so peaceful and bright.

    Glad I stopped by!

    Lisa @

  8. What a great attitude to have about your home. Before we bought our house, my son's room was the place to be. It was always so peaceful and bright.

    Glad I stopped by!

    Lisa @

  9. Anonymous - we had it done by a local guy who lays carpet. He came to the house. Try calling a local carpet store and asking for recommendations.
