
Monday, May 13, 2013

{blogging moms @ home: Nicky}

Happy Monday friends!

I'm SO excited today because I'm kicking off my very first guest blogger content series: Blogging Moms at Home! I have a whole week full of fabulous moms who also happen to be amazing home makers sharing their spaces with you. But not only are they giving you a glimpse into their homes, they are also sharing how they live in, and enjoy, their spaces with their children. First up in the series is my crazy fun and supremely talented friend Nicky...take it away girl!


Hello fellow momma's! I'm Nicky and I blog over at "Momma Gets Real".  I'm a stay at home momma with 3 kiddos {12, 10, and 5) and just celebrated my 15 year anniversary with my husband.   Mandy and I have been web buddies for some time now... and when she asked me to be part of this new series I thought it was a fantastic idea! That, Mandy she's good peeps. {wink}

We've recently moved into our new "old" home ... and so there's always a transition for us to find our new comfy spot, or a place we like to plop and play.  None-the-less, I found we've gravitated towards the family room... and like to gather around the rug to play games, do homework, color, etc.  The kids also pull up a corner chair to read on ... and of course, I ain't gonna lie, we also enjoy some tv/couch time.

 *DIY silhouettes... found here

*flea market gold frames 
* "We are closed all day on Saturday"... Etsy, Salvage Nation

* birds, thrifted
*SIT letters, Anthropologie clearance

*more gold frames that I scored at a garage sale for cents... literally cents

With all the bedrooms upstairs... I've learned to tuck away toys in corners and drawers, rather than lugging them back and forth up the stairs... it's become a learning process and "let go" process for myself... who doesn't function well with clutter.  Our living room also opens up to the entryway and dining room... so as you can imagine there are lots of Legos and rows of tractors being chased by police and SWAT men making their way into other rooms.

*I recovered the lamp shade from a fabric scrap
*oil canvas painting, thrifted
*canvas of kiddos, easy canvas prints
*bunting... made by Natural Life

*wicker stool, thrifted

Honestly I love color, I love pattern mixing, I'm a HUGE fan of making a space personal and fun... and I don't scare easy when it comes to design.  We live on a tight income, like most families, and I'll gladly dive into a DIY project ... it gives me great satisfaction to put a little elbow grease into an ugly duckling and turn it into a happy piece of sunshine that I can call my own.

"home" banner, our Etsy shop, Dear Nicole

This large, yellow dresser/tv console, I lovingly named, "Marigold", was one of those projects.  We cut out holes out the back, so she can hide our DVD player and satellite box. The other drawers hold DVDs, extra blankets, and odd shaped, large trucks and tractors that don't fit into an average toy box.

Both of our girls are in school during day... so, most of the art supplies come out at night.  My oldest, Greta, loves to sketch anything "fashion"... and Maisie is really into writing and illustrating books.  My days used to be occupied with tea parties, pig tails, and sorting through princess dresses.  Now instead, I make Lego police boats, shooting targets, and I color in Iron Man coloring books. 

Our family room is where 80% of the playtime, tv time, homework time, and quiet time happens.  It gets tons of light and I'm most happy when I'm surrounded by color, furniture, and art that speaks to me and make me smile... the kiddos are just an added bonus. {wink}

You're the best, Mandy, thank you for asking me to be a part of this lovely series.

Personally, I like to see how others live in there space, I love design, and originality.  However, what I really love about this series, is that it lets us see how we really live in our homes... with the kids... with their stuff ... and that you don't have to sacrifice your style to accommodate for toys and all things that our kids need to be happy too.  It really can be a win - win situation for both momma and the kiddos.


Thanks so much for sharing your home with us Nicky! Now when are you coming over to help me decorate? :)

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  1. What a great space! Love all the colors and personality - and that it looks comfortable, chic and put-together. It can all coexist.

    And I agree, I love this series! Such fun to get a peek into other folks' houses.

  2. And hello my friend,Nicky ;-)
    Hugs from across the ocean,

  3. I'm gonna love this series Mandy! Getting to know new bloggers is always a PLUS!
    Nicky, great job on your living room! The colors and space is awesome!

  4. Aw what a beautiful mama! This space is layered with love that's for sure. Love this series.
