
Monday, June 17, 2013

{L&B's big boy room}

Sorry for the crickets around here friends...but I'm back today with a fun post to start the week!

Yesterday while shopping at my home away from home, Hobby Lobby, I stumbled upon this ADORABLE map canvas and picked it up for the boys' bedroom...

SO cute, right?!

I've been wanting to make over their room and turn it into a big boy room for awhile now and this artwork is the perfect jumping off point. Not to mention the fact that they are still sleeping in toddler beds, so we need to upgrade them to twin beds stat!

Here is a fun little plan I put together with the map art as my inspiration...

The bunk bed, bed tent, rug, lamp and bedding are all from IKEA...convenient, huh? {wink} And I really love the idea of painting a whole wall in their room with chalkboard paint, like my friend Erin did in her sweet son's room. I discovered that you can get colored chalkboard paint so we'll see...could be really fun to use something other than black. And of course I also have some fun DIY artwork ideas swirling around in my head.

I'm not sure how quickly this will come together, but I'm hoping we can do it over the summer, in time for the boys to start kindergarten. I can just picture them sleeping in the bunkbed together under the tent. {sigh}

I found some great ideas on Pinterest too...I might have to buy a big map to include somewhere based on how awesome these rooms are!

And how cute is the map garland?!
Source: via Mandy on Pinterest

The boys' room has never been fully decorated since we moved to this house, so I'm really excited about them having a finished space. Stay tuned friends! And if you see any cute ideas to add to my pile please send them my way!

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  1. you might think about dry erase paint too. it's a little bit more difficult because it comes in two parts and once you mix it it has to be used up within an hour or so. it's clear so you just paint it right over any color. personally the idea of chalk means i'll be cleaning up chalk dust 24/7, so the dry-erase will be cleaner. just a thought!

  2. This is going to be awesome! I love love love the map you found. We have one in Henry's room and he already loves to look at it. Warms my heart!

  3. Love love that map canvas and hoping I can find one for cohens room! Your choices are all so fun!

  4. I looove the maps! So cool! & perhaps an inspiration for the boys to want to travel/learn about far away places. :)
