
Monday, August 12, 2013

{Back-to-School with Post Pebbles #PebblesBTS}

This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group™ and Post Pebbles but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #PebblesBTS

First of all, how ridiculous is it that I'm doing a back-to-school post.

Really ridiculous.

I'm still a bit in shock that the boys start school today but since we have no say in the matter I figured we might as well embrace it, right? Right? That's what I thought. ;)

So with the help of Post Pebbles I put together a fun little back-to-school party for the boys complete with sweets and crafts {my two favorite things of course}. 

Yes...those are cookies made with funfetti cake AND fruity pebbles. More on that later...

First, the boys and I headed over to our local Walgreens and grabbed a box of Fruity Pebbles and Cocoa Pebbles...
I promise they have faces behind there. :)

Then while they were sleeping last night I decorated our dining room with a little back-to-school party complete with journals for each of them made from the Post Pebbles cereal boxes...
The journals were super easy. I cut the boxes down into 5x8 pieces, cut the handwriting paper down to fit, and connected everything together with metal binder rings...
And then for the fun! The boys chose dinosaur printed paper to cover the cardboard and then used a variety of stickers to add their names and other fun touches...
After all of that crafty fun was over, I used the Fruity Pebbles and this recipe from Pinterest to whip up some colorful cookies for an afternoon treat. {I had a funfetti cake mix in the pantry so I substituted that for the yellow cake mix.I honestly didn't have much faith in this recipe, but they actually turned out pretty good! Very fruity and crunchy!
And Landon happily approved...
Could he look any older in this photo? Where is the pause button?

I guess we're about as ready for them to start kindergarten as we'll ever be!

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  1. so adorable! what a great idea!

  2. Love the notebook idea! :) And those cookies look yummy!

  3. Those notebooks are too fun!

    And I'm totally making some chalkboards like that for a Pinterest party I'm hosting next month. Yay!

    Happy School Day, friend! Hope it went well!
