
Friday, August 09, 2013

{hello friday}

I hope you'll excuse the extra bit of silence around here over the next week or so. It is about to get crazy at the Ford house. The boys start kindergarten on Monday and I have my biggest work event next weekend so we are BUSY.  

I'm working on keeping my anxiety in check because this momma is just a tad sad about her boys growing up. I never thought I would be that mom, but I want to push a pause button right now so badly. I've been taking breaks for working on creative projects like my doodles and scrapbooking are helping to keep me a bit more sane. 

So here is a peek at our past week through my camera lens! 

{You can follow along with me on Instagram here}

I got a fun new stash of scrapbook supplies for my birthday and finished up my June Instalife album over the weekend...

Caught a sweet moment with Ben {looking SO big}...

Had a slight meltdown at work when I realized the boys were starting kindergarten in a week...

Good thing I have a private office...and really sweet Instagram friends who offered lots of encouragement and virtual hugs.

Started off my first day of 35 with these cuties... 

{have you entered my big birthday giveaway?!}

Then enjoyed some thrifting, a cute gift from my boys and a big old chocolate waffle cone...

Not too shabby of a way to spend a birthday if you ask me. 

Ben and I are doing a lot of this lately...

He'll bring me a "guy" to draw and then we take turns coloring him in.

Wednesday was another tough mental day for me so I did a little doodling...

And venti iced latte drinking...

And then I felt MUCH better. ;)

Yesterday the boys came to work with me for a bit...I can't complain about having this view from my desk...

Last night I took them for back-to-school haircuts and to pick out new shirts for their first day. I still can't believe I'm going to be a mom of kindergarteners. This afternoon we are taking them to their school for the first time for assessments and an open house. Eeek! We're almost ready! 

What did your week look like?

Linking up with...
Wild & Precious
Lauren Elizabeth
five days five ways | feature friday free for all

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  1. I found and started reading your blog right before they were born. The time has just flown by. Tomorrow my "baby boy" is moving out with his buddies down by his college. :( I remember it like yesterday when I was taking him to kindergarten.

  2. I'm right there with you on Knd! My daughter starts Wednesday. She is so excited to start a new school, meet new friends and ride the bus. We've been doing a lot more cuddling this last week of our summer. ;) Hang in there! I'm sure they will do great!
