
Monday, August 26, 2013

{hello monday}

I was so happy this morning to wake up and feel like I had a sufficient weekend. Quality time with the boys was much needed. After working the whole weekend after their first week of school we were all aching for time together. 

So yesterday morning we snuggled...

And we visited the homeland...

where I tried on some cute dresses to wear to the Influence Conference ...

{Yes I'm going! I need to do a post on this!}

This one ^^^ was the is so cute!

And before Ben could go to sleep last night he asked me to sit and rock him. The older he gets the more willing I am to say yes to this. School has been a big adjustment for him and I know feeling the safety of my arms helps him feel secure. And it doesn't hurt me either. ;)

And finally after the boys were in bed I was reunited with Jillian...

I've been a bit unhappy with my body {specifically my everlasting baby belly} lately, so I decided I have to do something about it. The last time I did the 30 Day Shred I lost 10 pounds, and that was only doing level 1 for 20 or so days, so I know that it works. 

I'm also trying to watch my calories...drinking smoothies for breakfast, snacking on healthier things like almonds and dried fruit. {OK...I did sneak in a few Starbursts today...can't take away this girl's sweet tooth completely.}

I actually felt ready to say hello to Monday today and for that I'm grateful.

I've also had another blogger and her family in my thoughts quite a bit. Diana from Hormonal Imbalances is facing an unthinkable situation with her newborn son, Kaden. You can find out more on this Facebook page. Today at lunch I had these Sara Bareilles lyrics stuck in my head and decided to doodle them with her sweet Kaden in mind...

If you have a moment could you pray for them? For healing for Kaden and peace for their family, in whatever form that will need to look like?

What are you saying hello to today?

Linking up with..


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  1. Beautiful dress! where did you get it? Have a great week!

  2. good luck on your 30 day shred! you can do it!

    hate what the Stones are going through. find myself praying for them often.
