
Monday, September 09, 2013

{hello monday}

Oh are always so sneaky. 

Just waiting until the weekend has settled in, the laundry is folded, naps have been taken, and then...

Bam. There you are again. 


But this week I'll forgive you because I actually felt slightly refreshed this morning when I got up for work. 

It might have had something to do with the Nutella toast that was consumed over the weekend...
And the snuggles that were had...
And the Lego building {with sanity-saving iced latte drinking}...
And of course some doodling...
And a little bit of fall decorating...
Oh and there was a good hair day too...
And technically this was still a workday, but Dan surprised me with fresh donuts from our Amish market at work Friday morning...
Talk about starting off the weekend right!

What are you saying hello to today?

Linking up with..

still being [molly]



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