
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

{Influence Conference...I'm going!}

I'm going to my first blogging conference in two weeks.


The Influence Conference is in Indianapolis the last weekend of September and I'm going to be there. It still seems surreal to be saying that. 

I'm excited, nervous, some ways I feel like a high schooler again because there are going to be so many wonderful women there that I can't wait to meet. I'm going to be rooming with three lovely ladies...Hannah, Courtney and Elise. I can't even remember the last time I had a "slumber party" is all going to be so much fun and yes, a tad out of my comfort zone. 

My "one little word" for this year has been GROW, and the opportunity to attend The Influence Conference is, I'm hoping, going to be one of my biggest growth opportunities this year. 

I just realized that I wore my one little word pendant today and it inspired my post...

Talk about God working in little ways. :)

The lovely ladies organizing the conference are hosting a link-up today for everyone, asking us to share the 2 things we are going to be bringing to the conference, and 2 things we are looking forward to about the conference. 

I'll of course be bringing way more than 2 things and I'm looking forward to SO much, but here are my top picks...


  1. My sketchbook and markers {they have become my extra appendages these days}
  2. Coffee {duh}


  1. Meeting more women than I can name or roomies, the speakers and as many others as I can make it around to chatting with. {oh and Jeff Goins...can't leave him out!}
  2. Seeing how God works through me while I'm there. I love waking up each day to see what surprises He has in store for me, and I know that this conference is going to be overflowing with blessings.

And now I just need to plan my outfits, find a cute business card holder, make gifts for my roomies....and prepare room in my mind and my heart to grow

Are you coming? I would love to "meet" you in the comments!

Linking up with the Influence Network

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  1. Yep! I'm coming, of course, though I'm not 100% prepared yet! It's crazy, the conference is only 16 days away!

  2. I answered your comment about my height in my comment section, so I won't answer it again........ but I'm glad you're kinda tall, too. :) And I'm glad we're roomies! This is so fun!!! I love seeing how nervous everyone is because it makes me feel less weird, lol. So thanks for being tall, nervous, and awesome. Oh, what's my gift gonna be?!?!?! I'm trying to figure out you girls' gifts, still. I wanna give you something you'll like!!!

  3. Can't wait to meet you!!!!! I am so excited to go I can't wait!! xoxo

  4. i can't wait, i can't wait, i can't wait to meet you.... that's a song i just wrote up in my head. but basically... i can't wait for our SLUMBER PARTYYYY!!!!

  5. Wish I was having a sleepover in the hotel...but just grateful I will be there this year! I will definitely be raiding my friends closet prior to the conference! :) Either that or Elise needs to take me on one of her Goodwill shopping sprees!

  6. How fun! I can't wait to hear what you will share about the conference.

  7. I'm excited to meet you, Mandy! Your sketchbook and markers sound like the perfect accessories for the conference. I'm so stoked to see the Lord will work through us all at Influence!

  8. Yay! I love that your word for the year is grow. That is a good one and hello, this conference is perfect! See you there!!!

  9. So totally random but your room is going to be one of the best, all you ladies are great!!!

    Love your necklace

  10. I'm so excited to meet you, Mandy! And I bet your roomies are going to LOVE their gifts from you - how special is that?? :)

    See you soon!

  11. I am so excited for you, Mandy - you are going to ROCK this conference. I just know the Lord will be working thru you and all who attend. You know I will be looking/stalking IG for all the pics of your adventure! Sounds like you girls will sleep when you get home, lol!!!!

  12. nice to 'meet' you! I'm coming! And, I'm a newbie to blogging conferences and can't recall when I last went to any sort of conference. Nervous...excited...yep!
    Oh, and Jeff Goins is great, he spoke at my church last year.

  13. I feel like I grew so much from being part of the conference last year. SO GOOD! See you there!

  14. I went last year and it's such a great conference! Hope to meet you!

  15. I'm going! and I went last year and it was amazing. I great both in blogging and in intentionality with my relationship with Christ. You will love it!

  16. Hi Mandy! I will see you there. I am excited Jeff Goins is willing to be the lone man in a room with all of us! I am constantly inspired by his writing. Amy

  17. Looking forward to meeting you too Mandy! You're a smart lady for bring coffee. I'll need to add that to my list:) See you soon!

  18. Looking forward to meeting you too Mandy! You're a smart lady for bring coffee. I'll need to add that to my list:) See you soon!

  19. It's. So. CLOSE! Ahhh!

    Hope to meet you :) And I'm excited/anxious/nervous as well!

  20. yay for a sketchbook and markers!!! i love doodlesisters :)

    that pendant is stunning, and such a motivating word. hoping to meet you at Influence! xo
