
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

{stepping outside our comfort zone}

This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group™ and Project 7 but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #recipeforchange

Giving back.

Doing good.

We all know it sounds good. But how often do we actually do it? 

I know that I have the best of intentions, but life seems to get in the way of the grand ideas for giving back that pop into my head. I usually think too large. Giving the spare change from my wallet to the man on the street corner is about as far as I get most of the time. 

And then came this opportunity to check out Project 7, step out of my comfort zone, and remember those around me that need encouragement and support. Those that I know, but also the many people that I'll never know personally, but are also in need of a meal, clean water, or medical care.

Project 7 is all about "products for good"...everyday products that you can buy to give back to the world. Their packs of gum, for instance, either help feed 7 meals to American families, or plant fruit trees back into the earth. They also have products that help to shelter the homeless, provide medicine for the sick, provide clean drinking water, teach children in Africa, and provide counseling to children of war. 

These are products I can get behind. 

I headed over to my local Meijer store and picked up several packs of the Project 7 gum, with a plan was to leave the packs for strangers to find in random places. At the check-out, I gave the cashier the first pack of gum which was fun. It was definitely stepping outside my comfort zone but it is always fun to give someone an unexpected treat.
When I got home I made up some little doodled cards to attach to the rest of the packs, along with my blog card, and a little note to check out my blog today to see what Project 7 is all about....
Maybe you are one of the people that received a pack of gum? 

If so, hi there! :)

I left some of the packs in random places around town...the magazine rack at Meijer, a purse display at TJ Maxx...
I even left a few on car windshields. 

{no photos of those...that was stepping a bit too far outside my comfort zone. :) }

I gave a pack to the barista at Starbucks, the cashier at McDonald's and one to the teller at my bank...
Even though I felt SO awkward doing gave me such a happy, helping others high afterward. And it was funny how people they were waiting for me to try and sell them something. Nope...just some gum and a good cause people!

While I was at Meijer picking up the Project 7 gum, I also grabbed the ingredients to put together some blueberry muffins for a friend that has been going through a really difficult time. I never bake things from mixes are my best friend...but there was something more meaningful about putting the time and attention into making them...
...measuring the ingredients, stirring in the blueberries...
And they didn't turn out half bad if I do say so myself! 

{I used this recipe}
Ultimately I hope that they brought my friend a little bit of joy during a dark time. And I'm going to make sure I do this more often. Take time out of my busy schedule to slow down and intentionally do something to brighten someone else's day.  

This makes me want to do random acts of kindness more often. Catch someone off-guard with a kind deed. I found it funny how most people reacted. I could tell they thought I was trying to sell them something. Just kindness for the heck of it isn't the norm, is it?

Maybe I've inspired you to do something out of your comfort zone to help others, or put aside some time to make a meal or gift for a friend in need? Share your ideas with me in the comments!

If you want to check out Project 7 and how their products give back, you can see where their products are sold here

Project 7 on Facebook & Twitter

More information on Project 7:

Together we can truly make the world a better place friends!

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