
Friday, June 06, 2014

{hello friday}

Happy Friday friends!

Whew...did you make it through the week? 

It has been a strange one for us...adjusting to our first real summer break with the boys. Figuring out work schedules and when the boys need a sitter. But the sleeping in...oh the sleeping in. Just that extra half hour in the morning on work days is heavenly for me. 

Here's a little peek at our past week!

The boys' had their 6th birthday party on Saturday...
We did some dinosaur digging on the patio...
No one is safe from Nerf darts around our house...
I did some more nature doodling...
And some Stitch Fix wearing...
Landon and I put together some backyard bouquets. He brought me a pill bottle for his which was the cutest/funniest thing...
A little more doodling...
The boys had their 6-year check-up...they think the blood pressure cuff is so hilarious...
And I started my morning with an iced coffee at work...only way to start a Friday! 
Dan has been making big batches and pouring it into mason jars so we have one ready to go in the morning...he is a keeper, that one. 

What did your week look like?

Linking up with...
life rearranged

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