So remember how I have been talking about slowing down and finding balance?
Hmm...turns out I'm not taking my own advice.
If I can be completely I went home on my lunch break with a horrible headache. I couldn't get a kitchen cabinet door to shut so I punched it. Then I screamed. Then I sobbed so uncontrollably that I scared myself.
Friends...I think that means I'm a tad overwhelmed?
I don't want this to scare you or make you worry too much about me...I'm going to be OK. But, whoa this life has me feeling suffocated right now.
Layers upon layers upon layers of life's responsibilities have piled on top of each other and today I felt a bit like I lost my shovel. And I've always had horrible upper body strength to begin with.
I don't know what I need to do, but I know I need to do something. I've had more venti lattes in the past week than I care to admit.
Yesterday I went to McDonald's and comforted myself with a large coke and chicken nuggets, with BBQ sauce of course. Yum that stuff is heaven, is it not? Oh yes...I am a comfort eater/drinker for sure.
So I'm overwhelmed and 10 pounds heavier. Fabulous.
The thing is...I work from 8-5. I'm a mom when I get home. I'm working on my doodles most nights after the boys go to bed. I don't have any margin...any breathing room.
And any parent knows that weekends aren't weekends and vacations aren't those hardly ever leave me feeling refreshed.
Why am I sharing this bowl full of despair with you? I'm hoping that at least some of you can relate and that maybe we can wallow in our shovel-less suffocation together. Or maybe you can pray for me? Or just leave a virtual hug in the comments?
And just so I don't leave you feeling worse than when you got here...cats doing cute things...